Monday, December 21, 2015


With this video from Youtube, I just want to wish you all a merry holiday! Enjoy yourself, relax, or as Ordnett+ says it, "unwind, loosen up, ease up/off, let up, slow down, de-stress, unbend, rest, repose, put one's feet up, take it easy, take time off, take time out, slack off, be at leisure, take one's leisure, take one's ease, laze, luxuriate, do nothing, sit back, lounge, loll, slump, flop, idle, loaf, enjoy oneself, amuse oneself, play, entertain oneself; informal let it all hang out, let one's hair down, unbutton, veg out; N. Amer. informal hang loose, stay loose, chill out, kick back." See you all on Monday 4 January!