First Term 2014

Week 40A (2)
Chapter 4 "Elaborate on and discuss a number of global challenges"
WTO - "99%" - IMF - World Bank - UN - Great Recession - Occupy Wall Street -
Globalization - NGOs. What is hidden behind these words and acronyms? Find the answers! Next, listen to Obama's speech and take down what he says are the global challenges of today - has he forgotten any? Add your own!
Next, read pp 156 and do 4a, 4b+ on page 157. Post all your answers on your blog. Finally, listen to "Alternative Lifestyles" (Access' web site) and answer 3b+ page 159.

Week 42B (3) First, we will sum up what we have done so far, and I will try to explain why you need to know about all these organisations. Finally, we will run a Kahoot Next, study pages 160-167, we will have a discussion based on what the article says. As a final, do task 8c found on page 169.

Week 43A (1 due to "International Days") This lesson you will all work on your blog entries and be sure to have done all required tasks.

Week 44B (3) First we will study the two poems found on pages 170 and 184. We will also do the following tasks 1a,b,c,2a (p172) and 1a, 2a (p186). The rest of the week you'll spend writing a persuasive essay - read more about this on page 254.

Week 45A (1+English all day) Monday, you will first be given time to write on your essays. Next, we will nail Wednesday's plan.
Wednesday: 08.15-10.00 check out your company
Basics: who owns the company – where is the main office situated – how many employees – what do they make – any offices abroad – which countries do they do business with – the use of English
In addition you should find at least three questions which you find interesting.
At ten you should be ready to present your findings to the rest of us – since your presentation will hold a lot of facts, you need to show, not just tell. Moreover, before ten o’clock you should send four questions for the Kahoot to me in It’sL (grolil1).
10.00 Presentations
? Kahoot
11.30 watch The Wolf in Wall Street
14.30 sum up 

Week 46 (3) Monday we'll deal with leftovers from Wednesday. Next, watch "An Unfair World". Task: After this incident, our government has decided to send soldiers to Iraq to train Iraqi soldiers. However, the Norwegian parliament is the final decision maker, and some Norwegian politicians (SV, SP and some from FRP) do not support this because they are afraid Norway will be targeted more by terrorists. What is your stand to the issue? Should we send soldiers to educate soldiers in Iraq? Do you think we'll be a hotter terrorist target if we do?

Afterwards you will listen to the interview with Malin Henriksen and do tasks on page 178 in your text book.

Finally, there will be some time to get your blogs off your hands. Maybe this link could help you with your essay?

Week 47 (2) + Week 48 (3+2)
The next two weeks we'll deal with English as a world language. We'll do what the students in Sandvika vgs have done in connection with this aim from the curriculum, ie follow this plan. One of the links in Ann MIchaelsen's lesson plan does not function - here it is!
However, in addition to posting on your blog, you are also going to give a presentation which should last from 5-7 minutes. If you add sound or media clip to your presentation, they should be limited to maximum 1,5 minutes. Use some kind of visuals to support your facts.

Week 49 (2) + week 50 (3) + week 51 (2)
Coming up now is the following competence aim "elaborate on and discuss various aspects of multicultural societies in the English-speaking world" - and "reflect on how cultural differences and dissimilar value systems can affect communication." 
Lesson plan
First listen to Obama's speech about illegal immigration and how he wants to solve the problem. Take down answers to the following:

a) What is he going to do?
b) How can he do this without Congress's blessing?
c) What is an American according to Obama?
d) What does Obama urge the House of Representatives to do?
e) What is your stand to the issue, do you think Congress will pass the bill soon? Give reasons for your opinion.
Next, on the same web page, watch and listen to "The Voices of Immigration in America." Write a summary of what these voices say. Finally, choose one president's quote and argue for why you prefer that particular one.

The UK is also a multicultural society. Do they have any problems at all with immigration and immigrants being accepted in society? Before answering the question, listen to what David Cameron, the British prime minister representing the Conservative party said a year ago. Next, follow this link to Youtube and listen to what the leader of the UK Independence party (UKIP) says.

On the other side of the world we find the enormous island Australia. Through centuries people have come from all over the world to settle here. Today, in fact lots of people are told to turn back to where they come from. Listen to what John Howard, former prime minister, says about immigration. Today, Tony Abbott is prime minister, but has the stance to immigration changed?Listen to what he says. This video could also be interesting because it gives a good picture of what Abbott really thinks about immigration.

Use the statistics (handout) and what you now know about immigration in the USA, the UK and Australia and write a text in which you discuss the global refugee problem.

Week 2

Communication is not easy, especially not across cultures: have fun! and here's more! Read pages 98-102 in Access and you will understand more. You will work in pairs and find a video that you think depicts well communication problems across cultures.

Week 3This week we will read a short story "Butterflies" by Patricia Grace (p105-106), and you will make sure that your blog looks perfect and covers all requirements before deadline 14 January. 

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