Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How can WE help?

This boy shows us how to care, but what can we do? Two days ago in the news a man and a father in Aleppo, Syria, asked the world for help. He said his children were asking when it was their turn to die.  Read today's news from Aleppo here. How can we as humans tolerate what is going on in Syria? Many NGOs such as Medicins sans Frontieris, the Red Cross, and the NRC do what they can, but still it is not enough...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sustainable Growth

According to the World BankIndia  is now predicted to be the largest country in the world when talking about population. It is estimated that in 2030 India will pass China as the most populous country in the world. By 2030 we will be 9 billion people on earth, and 11 billion in 2050! If you go the earth clock you can see that every second babies are born and people die. The question is how many people will survive when we become so many? Will there be enough food, clean water (638,422,222 people with no access to clean water resources so far, ie 14:00 p.m. 14 September 2016), work? Will more people migrate and how many can so-called developed countries take in? Maybe it is time different religions consider their stand to contraception?