Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Trafficking is today's slave trade - people are being exploited in order for the traffickers to gain profit. It is a global matter and concerns children, males and females alike. People are trafficked into domestic labor, bonded labor, child labor, donor donation, and or prostitution. Statistics are hard to find due to the fact that trafficking is illegal, but there are estimates saying that 30,000,000 people are enslaved in one way or another today.

The Guardian has several articles giving shocking facts about trafficking in different types of work, and if you think that this does not happen in your country, think twice. The sad thing is that people managing to escape from the traffickers have a hard time making the police believe in their story, and many are sent out of the country and back to the country they first entered in accordance with the Dublin Agreement. The question is whether this agreement helps the victims or not. In my opinion the answer is a clear NO. Thus, it is about time to reconsider the agreement. Is it fair to send people back to Italy, for instance, when we know how many people the country has rescued from drowning in the Medterranien and, consequently, have to take in every month?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Latest news says that kids prefer i-pads as playmates, Twitter and Facebook have helped win revolutions, and now Hilary Clinton is going to try to win the presidency by hiring Hanie Hannon, "Google's director of product management for civic innovation and social impact, to run her technology operations"( 8April2015). Not a bad idea at all. Obviously, tec rules, and those not playing by these rules are no doubt losers.