Correct your essays and post them in your blog - feel free to add pictures and links. Check that you have included all the obligatory tasks in your blog, and add stuff to make it even more interesting to read. Deadline Sunday night. When finished start studying chapter 3, "A Meeting of Worlds, International English and Multiculturalism"
Here is a list of the obligatory posts:1)Survey about Social Media.Were we right about our assumptions?Write a summary and post it - add link to the survey.
2)These are the questions you have to consider in connection with Drone:
How does US military use computer games in recruiting drone pilots?
What arguments against drones do earlier drone operators have?
What are the viewpoints of the Pakistani human rights lawyers?
When is it okay to break article three in the human rights laws? The right to life, freedom and personal security.
How do you think the Norwegian government would react if terrorist had been targetd by drones in Norway? Post your answers!3)Hollywood - Bollywood - Nollywood, We'll see examples of all three, and you will explain the differences.
Wednesday 4 January 2017
Read closely pages 98-102. Next, discuss 2+ page 103 in pairs, then do "Spot check" on page 102 and post your answers in your blog. Go to this page and do as many of the "Activities" as possible. Finally, you will form groups of three and act (task 7 page 104).
Read "Butterflies" pp105-106 before coming to class Tuesday 10 January.
Tuesday 10 January 2017(double lesson)
First, leftovers from last week, ie task 7 page 104. Next, "Butterflies" pp105-106 + Intercultural communication questions.
Finally, we will start watching Outsourced - have in mind what you learned last week (and revised today) about the challenge of cultural variety, messages and misunderstandings, ethnocentrism, and cultural relativism.
Wednesday 11 January
Watch the rest of Outsourced - discuss and try to connect movie scenes to various cultural concepts. Next, go to NDLA and answer the questions in Word and save (they will come in handy later).
Tuesday 17 January
Watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Wednesday 18 January
Watch the rest of My Big Fat Greek Wedding - discuss and try to connect movie scenes to various cultural concepts. The film presents many cultural clashes (celebrations, table manners, marriage traditions, family relations...) describe some of them using Word and save for later use.
Friday 20 January
Today's groups: Julia and Andreas, Vilde and Trym, Mari and Markus, Maren and Gaute, Eivor, Rabab and Ramiza.
08:15 -10.00 Make a presentation in which you talk about cultural concepts shown in the two movies we have seen lately. How are they similar and different at the same time. Also try to add what Berhane (look below) says in some way to your presentation. Make some questions in your group that you want him to answer.
10.00 - 10.30 (?) Visit by an immigrant, Berhane. You can ask him questions about culture in his home country, and if he has experienced any communication problems due to cultural differences.
After Berhane has left, continue with your presentation, length 10 minutes (minimum) - deadline 12.25.
12.25 - Presentations start - you will be given individual grades.
12.25 - Do a close read of pages 108-112, and 114, 115, 117, 119 - 122. Answer "working with statistics"page 123. Next, go to Access to International English and do tasks that will enhance your understanding and language.
Tuesday 24 January (double lesson)
Watch Flukt - Discussion
"Neighbours" pages 141-143.
Sum up chapter 3.
Wednesday 25 January
Next aim from the curriculum:
- Elaborate on and discuss a selection of literature and factual prose from the period 1950 up to the present
- Analyze, elaborate on and discuss at least one lengthy literary work and one film
- In groups of 3 work together and find information about the three authors, Mohsin Hamid, Andrea Levy and Amy Tan. Make a list of 5 interesting facts about each to present in your group. Use Twitter as one of your sources by following the authors and reading their tweets (notice that there are many persons having similar names, so be sure to find the right one).
- Listen to the videos below. Based on the videos and your research write a short paragraph about your impressions of the authors and the books - post it
- Based on your impressions decide on which book you want to read and write a short paragraph explaining your decision - post it
- Read the first chapter of the book and write a short paragraph on your first impression. Post it.
This year I have copied Ann Michaelsen's plan for covering the aim. She works as a teacher at Sandvika vgs and runs a blog that you can visit. She lets her students choose between two novels, but you get three different books, The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Mohsin Hamid, The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan and Small Island by Andrea Levy. I recommend that at least two persons read the same novel in order for you to have someone apart from your teacher to discuss with. All books will be available in the library. To be able to make a good choice as to which book to read, you are asked to do the following tasks to prepare.
Lesson plan
This is Amy Tan's Twitter account.
This link will take you to his Twitter account
Hopefully, by reading one of these novels you will grow as a person, develop your vocabulary, enjoy yourself and have something to discuss with the fellows reading the same book.
You should finish reading by February 21, which means that you have three weeks both at school and at home to devour it.
31 January Tuesday
1 February Wednesday
Read and post comment on first chapter.
7 February (double lesson) Tuesday
First part, read.
10.40-11.00 Discussion chapters 1-2-3 The Reluctant Fundamentalist
11.00-11.20 Discussion chapters 1-2-3 The Joy Luck Club
11.20 Discussion 1-2-3-4 Small Island
8 February Wednesday
14 February Tuesday
15 February Wednesday
21 February (double lesson)
By today you should have finished your novels.
Discussions: 09.35 - The Reluctant..., 10.00 - Joy Luck..., 10.20 - Small Island
10.50 - Vidar, the computer tech will come to class and help those who have not yet been able/managed to download Ordnett+ and CD-Ord.
Those who do not need help can start writing a book review following the template using your own words. Write in your blog, copy to Word and hand in via It'sL. Take care to include the following
Readers of the The Reluctant Fundamentalist:
When saying something about the genre, try to convince the reader that it is a
of Joy Luck Club:
Be sure to use the terms first and second generation immigrant somewhere.
Be sure to use the terms first and second generation immigrant somewhere.
of Small Island:
Try to use the terms ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.
22 February
Finish writing the book review and hand it in. Next, start thinking about which topic you want to go into depth in. Have a look at all the purple pages called "Digging Deeper"in your textbook, or if you know what to study, check the curriculum, so you are sure that your topic is within the limits restricted by
7 March
Language work/Chapter 1
We will look into pages 93-96 and 146-154. The latter discuss how to write good and cohesive paragraphs - you can also watch the video above to get a better understanding of the topic.
In addition, you should start thinking about which topic you want to dig deeper into - in-depth work is coming up next week.
Try to use the terms ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.
22 February
Finish writing the book review and hand it in. Next, start thinking about which topic you want to go into depth in. Have a look at all the purple pages called "Digging Deeper"in your textbook, or if you know what to study, check the curriculum, so you are sure that your topic is within the limits restricted by
7 March
Language work/Chapter 1
In addition, you should start thinking about which topic you want to dig deeper into - in-depth work is coming up next week.
8 March
Language work continued from yesterday (tasks 1, 2+ p95 and 4, 6, 7 page 96) Read more about participles here/Chapter 1
14 March
Chapter 1/In-depth work
15 March
In-depth work. Check the requirements found in the right margin under the heading "Pages".
In-depth work
22 March
In-depth work
28 March
In-depth work
29 March
In-depth work
4 April
Finish In-depth work, spell and grammar check, also examine the requirements and see whether you have covered all or not.
Hand in In-depth work via It'sL, and practice on your presentation of the topic. Presentations will start after the holidays.
18 April (double lesson)
Presentations In-depth work
Gaute - Andreas - Eivor - Trym - Vilde - Markus - Mari - Ramiza - Maren - Rabab - Julia
As soon as you have finished your presentation, post your work on your blog. it is not necessary to include the content list.
19 April
Presentations In-depth work
25 April
Presentations continue - those who have finished start revising in the following way:
- Write a summary of the chapter
- Make a list of keywords covering the chapter
- Add six questions covering the chapter
- Make a list of web sites covering the chapter (also look in Gro's blog)
- Find a Youtube film that explains the topic well
- Use Googledocs and share it with your teacher as well as the other students in class.
Eivor, Trym and Andreas: Chapter two
Rabab and Gaute: Chatpter one
Julia, and Markus: Chapter three
Vilde and Mari: Chapter four
Maren and Ramiza: Chapter five
26 April
Revision all chapters in groups
2 May
Revision (deadline tomorrow!)/Exam tasks
More exam tasks
10 May
What to remember for your mock exam on Friday
12 May
Mock exam
16 May
Mock Exams back - Those of you who will not have a written exam will correct your texts and post them in your blog. Afterwards pick a task and start preparing for oral mock exam - the rest prepare for Friday when the real exam is!
Friday - Wednesday's schedule
Continue preparing for the oral mock.
· 1) International
English and the media
analysere og vurdere noen engelskspråklige mediers rolle i det internasjonale samfunnet
analysere og vurdere noen engelskspråklige mediers rolle i det internasjonale samfunnet
· 2) Multiculturalism
drøfte ulike sider ved flerkulturelle samfunn i den engelskspråklige verden
drøfte ulike sider ved flerkulturelle samfunn i den engelskspråklige verden
· 3) Global Challenges
drøfte noen internasjonale og globale utfordringer
drøfte noen internasjonale og globale utfordringer
· 4) Education
and working life
finne fram til og drøfte internasjonale utdanningstilbud og arbeidsmuligheter
finne fram til og drøfte internasjonale utdanningstilbud og arbeidsmuligheter
reflektere over hvordan kulturforskjeller og ulike verdisystem kan
påvirke kommunikasjon
· 5) Literature
drøfte et utvalg av litteratur og sakprosa fra tiden etter 1950 og fram til i dag
analysere og drøfte minst ett lengre litterært verk og en filmdrøfte et utvalg av litteratur og sakprosa fra tiden etter 1950 og fram til i dag
Make a presentation 7-8 minutes long and read up on the other issues.
Tuesday 23 May
Preparation and this will also continue Wednesday 24.
Tuesday 30 May
Present your topic in a group of five-six other students - try to ask each other questions - read up on issues you feel unsure about. |
Individual mock exams start. The list tells you who will be first, second and so on:
Rabab - Maren - Mari - Vilde - Ramiza - Markus - Julia - Eivor - Andreas - Trym - Gaute
Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 June
Mock exams continue and finish. |
Tuesday 13 June
Wednesday 14 June
Last lesson before the oral exam - sum up this year.
Tuesday 30 August
We will look at the aims in the curriculum and decide which to study when.
You decided:
1) chapter 4 - Global challenges
2) chapter 5 - International educational and work options
3) chapter 2 - The Media
4) chapter 3- Multiculturalism
5) chapter 3 and 5 - cross cultural communication
6) chapter 6 (deals with literature - however, there are also short stories and /or poems in many of the other chapters, so we might read some literature as we go along.
7) Novel/film (we will definitely see some documentaries and movies before we come to this point too)
This is what you took down on the board in connection with "Global Challenges".
Wednesday 31 August
I assume you have skimmed through pages 160-166. First, I will give a brief presentation about globalization. Next, we will have a discussion mainly focusing on the questions found on page 168. Finally, you will choose one of the global issues we took down on the board yesterday (you will find the link to the board above) and dig into it in groups of 3-4 students. How do you want to share your findings with the other students?
Tuesday 6 September
By today you should have done a close read of pages 160-166 and made a list in your blog about how globalization impacts you in your daily life (clothes, food, makeup, music, media, vacations abroad...). In the double lesson that we have today we are first going to have group discussions dealing with "Discussion" page 157 and 168. Next, in your group, choose one of the global issues we took down on the board yesterday (you will find the link to the board above) and dig into it. These pages might interest you:
Sweatshop - Global resources, (which countries are the bad guys?) - Youth unemployment.
How do you want to share your findings with the other students (present, google docs, slide share (PP), Prezi, movie...)? We will discuss how much time to use.
Wednesday 7 September
Continue your work from yesterday, ie prepare for presentations in one way or another. Tuesday 13 will be show time.
Tuesday 13 September
Present your topics to class. To sum up the topic, add a post in your blog where you take down how you worked, what you have learned and what difficulties you encountered. Include links, photos, videos! If we finish early, we will start looking into tomorrow's plan.
Wednesday 14 September
First, I will give you more details about the course, such as what will be evaluated and when, why we blog, and what is expected that you do before coming to class. Next, we will start looking at a new topic, ie chapter 5, "A World of Opportunities"p207-
Italy, more Italy - Germany, more Germany, The USA, France and South Africa, Poland and more Poland, Ireland, The USA and the world, this link will take you to the Norwegian organization ANSA, and here you will find many countries too. Britain, Australia.
The idea is for you to look into studies in one or two countries that you would like to go to. Be aware of the downside of the coin, ie culture shock. Choose one of the graphs, add it in your blog and write a few lines about what it tells you.
In addition, we need to inform other students around the world how we started this school year - could you find photos and think about what to write for next week?
Tuesday 20 September
Follow this link to add your idea about what to write to inform other students around the world (look above). First of all we will finish this mini project - hopefully you have some photos to share also. Next, "go to the country of your choice" to find information about studies.
Wednesday 21 September
As we agreed upon yesterday, you will have this lesson also to prepare your persuasive talk about studying abroad. The idea is for you to try to persuade as many of your fellow students as possible to want to study in the same country as you. Thus, think about what made you interested in going to this particular country/place - do you think the others will be pulled by the same ideas, or do you need to spice it up a bit with photos and/or short video clips? Be ready to try to win the other students over to your choice next Tuesday! If you have plenty of time left, start reading pages 208-220 in Access to International English or listen to the pages here.
Tuesday 27 September
Time to convince the rest of the class to choose the same country and place as you to study in!
Wednesday 28 September
Leftovers from yesterday. Group 1: Discussion - go to this page and make five questions (avoid yes/no questions) for your class to discuss. Group 2: Information - choose a couple of videos from this page and show them to class - also say a few words why you have picked them. Lead your class in a discussion of questions a-b-c on page 221. Group 3: "typical Norwegian" what unwritten rules do we follow? In addition to your own ideas, choose a couple of videos here. Tell and show to class. Group 4: secretaries/class assistants Start a google document and invite all your fellow students and your teacher to edit it. Gather information from all groups (web sites, questions, ideas).
Coming up next week: Fagdag! So what would you like to do? Text me, or write a comment here.
Tuesday 4 October (double lesson)
First you will finish preparing for the different tasks given last week. Next, you will start discussions and show videos. Vilde and Markus will take notes in your google doc as we go along, which means that by the end of the day you all have a document with sources and comments.
Friday 7 October (English all day!)
In the morning you will spend some time making the google document fit into your blog, finish by 09:00. As mentioned Tuesday, you should also have read pages 208-220 by now.
09-10:00 Work and Education - short Sway-presentation by Gro - discussion p 210 "Future" + p211 b
take down answers in your blog.
We watched Trade
- 10-12 movie in the auditorium
- 12.30 prezi about trafficking by Gro
- read the two stories on pp 187-188
- work in pairs and answer 1a-i p189 + number 5 and 6 - take down all answers in your blog
- individual writing: task 3b p 189, but you can choose whether you want to interview one of the two persons in the text, or one of the characters who were trafficked in the movie. Post your interview.

Tuesday 18 October
Julia will give her presentation about New York. Afterwards you will be given time to post all missing entries in your blog. Deadline Sunday 23 October 24:00.
Wednesday 19 October
Read "Transmission" p 231-232 together - discuss - role play. Polish your blogs.
Tuesday 25 October (double lesson)
We are going to embark on a travel within media. What is media? What is social media? Is there any difference between the two? Make a survey and ask teachers, students and other people. We will slowly move through pages 38-74. Today we will look into pages 40-44, and then you will do some research; do these names ring a bell? Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Zukerberg, Steve Jobs, Aron Swartz, Bill Gates, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, Julian Assange? How many internet users are there in the world today? What happens in a minute on social media? Which is the dominant language on the internet? When was the first app launched?
This is what you took down on the board today:
Tuesday 25 October (double lesson)
We are going to embark on a travel within media. What is media? What is social media? Is there any difference between the two? Make a survey and ask teachers, students and other people. We will slowly move through pages 38-74. Today we will look into pages 40-44, and then you will do some research; do these names ring a bell? Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Zukerberg, Steve Jobs, Aron Swartz, Bill Gates, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, Julian Assange? How many internet users are there in the world today? What happens in a minute on social media? Which is the dominant language on the internet? When was the first app launched?
This is what you took down on the board today:
Tuesday 1 November (single lesson)
Today we will decide upon final layout of survey and publish/print it. We will also agree upon who does what and when (one pair asks teachers/office/cantina/cleaning personell - two pairs go to the international women's meeting Tuesday mornings - two boys go to the international men's meeting Wednesday evenings - two pairs go to Torpe møbel, Kleppe and the shopping center). I will start talking with you about your blog entries.
Wednesday 2 November
Correct your blogs according to the given handout. Open a Twitter account, choose one of your blog entries and tweet it. Next, start preparing for our excursion to Bergen, follow these three links: University of Bergen 1 and 2, Raftostiftelsen.
Tuesday 8 November (double lesson)
We will prepare for tomorrow's excursion - check out links from last week and the Word doc that I sent you.
Wednesday 9 November (all day)
Samson will drive a bus which leaves Øystese 07:25, and will pick up people along the road. Let me know where you'll be! (Bus leaves 06:15 from Ålvik, 06:40 from Øystese and 06:50 from Norheimsund - arrive Bergen 08:25.) First lesson UiB 09:00-10:00, 10:15-12:00, break 25 minutes, Rafto 12:30-15.30. You can stay as long as you want to in Bergen (first bus leaves 16:25 and last 20:55)(it is also possible to go back 23:20 from Arna, but then you need to take the train first)
![]() |
Bilde link |
Tuesday 15 November
No lessons due to "Åpen dag"
Wednesday 16 November
Launch survey.
Mari, Maren and Rabab (Norheimsund, I will take you)
Gaute and Julia (teachers/office/cantina/cleaning personell)
Vilde and Trym (Kleppe and Torpe),
Ramiza, Andreas, Markus shopping centers in Øystese
Gather information. Two boys will go to the international men's meeting tonight and launch our survey there.
Friday 18 November (all day, but we will stop at 12:00 due to our stay in Bergen)
Preliminary plan:
What have we learned from our survey? Use Exel to make graphs. Were we right about our assumptions?Write a summary and post it - add link to the survey. have a go at this – scroll down to “Report on your findings”
Tuesday 22 November (double lesson)
As you all know, we had a mix of this lesson and the ones noted on Friday. Thus, today we will first have a go at our survey about social media and do what we should have done Friday, ie look above! Here are the results. Next, we will try to gather threads from Bergen - "Woman Hollering Creek" by Sandra Cisneros and the Rafto foundation. Do you see any links between what you did there and the documentary you have seen about drones?
Be sure to have read pages 48-55 before you come to class.
These are the questions you have to consider in connection with Drone:
How does US military use computer games in recruiting drone pilots?
arguments against drones do earlier drone operators have?
What are
the viewpoints of the Pakistani human rights lawyers?
When is it
okay to break article three in the human rights laws? The right to life, freedom and personal security.
do you think the Norwegian government would react if terrorist had been targetd
by drones in Norway? Post your answers!
Wednesday 23 November
"The 24/7 World"pp 63-68 Skim these pages before you come to class!
Hollywood - Bollywood - Nollywood, We'll see examples of all three, and you will explain the differences.
Tuesday 29 November
Today we have a guest lecturer, professor Nancy Cardona, from the USA who will teach "Political Campaigning in the Twenty First Millennium". In other words, how important media and social media have been in the last presidential elections.
Wednesday 30 November
We are going to deal with pages 59-62 "Bringing Back Our Grandparents' Values", thus be prepared. Next, leftovers: Hollywood - Bollywood - Nollywood, We'll see examples of all three, and you will explain the differences.
Tuesday 6 December - (double lesson)
"News of the World" pp 69-72. Do a close read before coming to class.
Wednesday 7 December
Language work, ie pp 89-92 and 254-257 which deal with how to write good sentences and essays.
Tuesday 13 December and Wednesday 14 December
I am absent due to having some holiday left. Hence, Samson will probably be there at the beginning/end of lessons. This is what you will do: have a go at task c+ on page 62. Hand in via Its'L (you will post them on your blog after I have commented upon the language). This video will help you make it good: This page will tell you whether words are formal (written academic), informal (written general) or mostly used in spoken language. A capital X indicates that the word should not be used in the given category.
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