Happy New Year to all of you!
Today, you will all do a close read of pages 208-210. afterwards, answer spot checks on page 210. In addition, find out how many Norwegian students entered a univesity abroad in 2014-2015. Next, answer 2a and b, and 3a all found on page 211. Finally, listen to "English - Norway's Second Language..."(go to Access web site) page 212 and take down the answers. Post everything on your blog. After 30 minutes I will start listening to presentations. First out is Torstein, then the following order: Sander, Dyveke, Inrid, Therese, Aline, Dorcas, Viktor.
Tuesday 5 January
Presentations will continue. As soon as you have finished yesterday's tasks, do the following: Read pages 213-220 closely. Write a summary of what you have read. Finally, add one question that you think is crucial to consider before deciding to study in a foreign country. Post it all.
Tuesday 12 January
First, we will read the two poems found on pages 170 and 184 together. We will also dramatize the last. Finally, Aline will present her in-depth work titled Racism.
Wednesday 13 January
You will be given time to finish your blog. In addition, I would like you to answer a survey in It's Learning about this course.
Monday 18 january
We will talk briefly about international perspectives on education and work (pp213-220) before we go on to "Getting It Right in Business" (pp236-240). Skim through before class!
Tuesday 19 January
Preparation for Friday.
Group1) Vilde, Ingrid and Therese will make a presentation about "Social Media" based on their In-depth work. They will present it together.
Group 2) Ellen Sofie, Dyveke, Torstein, Dorcas and Viktor, will watch Digital Dissidents and discuss how to organize the debate following the program. This means you will have to make questions and discuss what role each will have. Use this site as a guide - look at it before watching!
Group 3) Jakub, Aline, and Sander will make questions to discuss after having seen the documentary about Snowden. Sander will also need time to prepare his presentation about Anonymous.
Wednesday 20 January
Preparation for Friday continued from yesterday.
Friday 21 January
First, Vilde, Ingrid and Therese will present "Social media". Aftewards, we will have a look at this documentary (52 minutes) about digital dissidents and governmental surveillance and how Snowden ( 58 minutes) escaped. In addition, Sander will tell us about Anonymous. (All of these issues will help you revise chapter two, ie "International English and the Media"). Each issue will be followed by a debate prepared by the different groups. Finally, if time, you will be given an exam task which we will discuss how to attack.
Tuesday 26 January
Leftovers from Friday, ie finish your writing. Hand in on Its'L and post it on your blog. In the latter you should add the pictures you have chosen.
Wednesday 27 January
In the next couple of weeks we will concentrate on the following aims in the curriculum:
- Elaborate on and discuss a selection of literature and factual prose from the period 1950 up to the present
- Analyze, elaborate on and discuss at least one lengthy literary work and one film
Monday 1 February (B-week)
Today pages 264-278 will be targeted. In addition, page 325 will be useful. We will also use these Youtube entries:
(what I have said, but here by a young goodlooking girl)
Tuesday 2 February
Borrow The Reluctant Fundamentalist in the school library (the link takes you to my notes). We will talk about how to "attack" it. However, I strongly recommend you to start taking notes in Word - add quotes that you find interesting and page numbers. Use Ordnett+ to learn some new words.
Monday 8 February (B-week also!)
Read on your own today - stay in the classroom to get things done. Have in mind that you have to finish reading the book by Monday 22 February when we will discuss it.
Tuesday 9, Wednesday 10, Tuesday 16, Wednesday 17 February
Read and take notes. Wednesday 10 we will talk about the first three chapters, ie pp1-52. Tuesday 16 the next three chapters, ie pp 53-105. Wednesday 17 pp 106-157, ie chapter 7-8-9.
Monday 22 February
Chapter 10-11-12, ie pp 158-209, sum up and discuss.
Tuesday 24 February
First, we will discuss the novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist - whether you liked it or not and why. Next, we will talk about Friday and what to do.
Wednesday 25 February
You will need to have control of Literary tools/devices (play the game here), Rhetoric and Formal vs Informal language before Friday,
Friday 27 February
We will spend some time looking into the first part of exam tasks. You will find graded examples from spring 2015 here. Post your answers in your blogs.
Watch the movie The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Discuss similarities and differences between the novel and the movie. You will find my notes on the novel under the heading useful links in the right column.
Tuesday 1 March A-week
"The Volunteer" page 245-250
We will listen to the short story. Next, in pairs, do some of the tasks found on Access' web site. Pick ten words that are unfamiliar to you and try to learn them. Finally, we will do the tasks found on page 251, ie 1a,b,c,d,e,f and 3a,b,c,d,e,f - publish answers in your blogs.
Wednesday 2 March
Leftovers from yesterday if any. Secondly, go to page 333 and do what is said on top of the page. Next, go to page 337 task 1a. Do 2+ in groups, next do 4+ ,ie choose a or b. Hand in in It'sL and publish afterwards.
Monday 7 March B-week
This and next week we will both revise chapter 4 "International English and Global Challenges"and add some challenges that are not mentioned in the text book. Go to this page and see what the World Economic Forum thinks will be the most important challenges. Next, choose one issue that you will do a close study of. You will publish your findings using your own words. In addition, you will give an oral presentation of the issue Wednesday 16 March (no postponements will be accepted).
Criteria oral presentation: clear - loud - suitable vocabulary - facts - minimum 5, maximum 7 minutes if alone, if in a group 10 minutes.
Tuesday 8 March
Continued from yesterday.
Wednesday 9 March
Keep up the good work!/Ski?
Tuesday 15 March A-week
Finish mini-projects
Wednesday 16 March
Presentations by Therese The Future for Impact Investing, Vilde Environment and Resource Security, and Jakub
Easter Break
Monday 4 April B-week
Rehearse 30 minutes, then presentations by Dyveke Emerging Economies, Ellen Sofie Water Security, Viktor Future Financial Growth and Development, Aline and Dorcas Gender Parity.
Tuesday 5 April
Presentations by Ingrid Environmental and Resource Security, Sander International Security, Torstein and Therese Long-Term Investing, Infrastructure and Development (and how it affects animals), and Jakub and Ahmad Food security and Agriculture
Wednesday 6 April
Leftovers + The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Gro. If time watch "Robot: The dark side of technology"
Tuesday 12 April A-week
Post and polish blog entries - deadline tomorrow night (Wednesday) this week.
Wednesday 13 April
In their blogs, comment upon two other students' presentations. Say what you found interesting and why.
Monday 18 April B-week
Language work - paragraphs and formal vs informal language (pp146-154)
Tuesday 19 April
Language work - Literary devices/tools pp 258-262 + p206, Kahoot
Wednesday 20 April
Language work - Genres pp 343-349
I recommend you all watch these short videos by MrTrinh before the upcoming mock exam!
Tuesday 26 April A-week
Wednesday 27 April
Revision. Also, what to remember for Friday - download necessary documents. How to use sources and quote.
Fun fact: Check out two different search engines: DuckDuckGo and WolframAlpha. If you have a new I-phone and use Siri try searching for "Wolfram Norway vs USA education expenditures per high school student".
Source: Introduksjon til søk | To alternative søkemotorer | Ferdigheter | SL Courseware | BIBSYS OpenEdX. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2016, from http://openedx.bibsys.no/courses/course-v1:NTNU-Videre+SL+2016_v/courseware/296e8cc56a084501965ce310ed6a6dce/a12a9b0df6514ee0aec6401ae4f9f56b/
Friday 29 April
Mock Exam (written)
Tuesday 3 May
Mock exams back - individual tasks according to feedback. In addition, we will go through an exam task dealing with rhetoric and linguistic tools.
Wednesday 11 May
I have changed my mind about today...(lucky me being your teacher having the possibillity to do so when necessary!) You have to help each other preparing for the written exam! Thus, this is what you should do today:
Ellen Sofie, Vilde and Dyveke should look into chapter 1 and 5
Viktor, Torstein and Jacub will take care of chapter 2
Ingrid, Dorcas and Aline have responibility for chapter 4
Therese and Sander's task and duty is chapter 3
This is what you should do with your chapter:
a) write a summary
b) find trustworthy information about the same topic on social media and/or the Internet such as Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Youtube, SlideShare, BBC, Wiki...Do not just share the link - add a few lines telling your friends what the content mainly covers
c) What questions are important to ask in connection with this chapter/topic? Do not ask questions that can be answered by: a) yes or no b) quoting directly from the textbook
Take down everything in google docs and share with your co-workers as well as your teacher.
This is postponed till after the written exam, ie 24 May: How good are you at searching for specific information? Test yourself here! Write a blog entry in which you sum up this. Finally, add a post about this school year and the English course - what have you learned - what did you enjoy - what did you not like - what do you recommend next year's students to do. Be honest! I will not grade your opinion, but your text.
Wednesday 18 May
What to remember - download necessary documents - if you are not going to have an exam you will start preparing for the oral mock exam. In this period you will also have the chance to have a second go at a written exam task if you feel that the grade you got did not match your expectations.
Friday 20 May EXAM
Tuesday 24 May
Revise and prepare - pick exam tasks, ie choose a topic freely, but not your in-depth work. Next, do what we postponed till after the written exam, ie 24 May: How good are you at searching for specific information? Test yourself here! Write a blog entry in which you sum up how well you managed. Finally, add a post about this school year and the English course - what have you learned - what did you enjoy - what did you not like - what do you recommend next year's students to do. Be honest! I will not grade your opinion, but your text.
Wednesday 25 May
Revise and prepare go to this page (https://padlet.com/wall/vdarse9awkti) and praise and critisize this school year.
Friday 27 May
First oral mock exams start: Dyveke, Ellen Sofie, Ingrid, Torstein, Dorcas and Aline
Monday 30 May
Any leftovers from Friday? Polish your blogs.
Tuesday 31 May
Visit from the USA - a guest lecturer will be here.
Wednesday 1 June
Last group oral mock: Sander, Therese, Viktor, Jakub, Vilde - also last chance to write another exam task - and last chance to polish your blog, deadline tonight 24:00
If you have finished all tasks, have a go at this page https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/11/energy-100-percent-green-2030/
Wednesday 8 June
Last lesson before the oral Exam - unfortunately I am absent today, but in a way here too:
Monday 24 August
First, you will make your blog and have it ready for your first entry. Next, you will study the timeline on page 8, and we will have a quiz. Afterwards, there will be time for research and discussion. Finally, you will do task C+ on page 17 and post it on your blog.
Tuesday 25 August
Leftovers from yesterday. I will talk briefly about listening strategies and then you will practice these strategies when listening to your research. In groups of three you will do tasks 6 and 7 found on page 16. If time left after you have answered C+ page 17 and posted it, you can study pages 21-27 and answer task 1 and 2 page 26.
Wednesday 26 August
Listen to different varieties of English - go to http://access-internationalvg2.cappelendamm.no/c951205/sammendrag/vis.html?tid=951213 and listen. Afterwards, do different tasks on the same page. Finally, choose one variety of English and take down fun expressions - post it!
Tuesday 1 September
First I will give a short lecture summing up chapter 1 (it is called "English as a World Language (Prezi)" and you will find it under the heading Useful Links). Next, you will do leftovers from last week. Make sure that you can answer the following questions:
- What is the history of the English language after WWII
- What is meant by ESL, EFL, ESP?
- Do you think that international English enriches the cultures of the world, or does it drain them of their uniqueness?
- Explain the terms inner - outer - expanding circle.
- Why is it necessary to have standard forms of English?
- Which forms of English does David Crystal believe we will have in the future?
- English has become important in six different fields - which?
Kahoot from chapter 1 - Next, some language work, ie tasks from pages 33-35. Finally, if time start looking at chapter 2 and its timeline on page 38.
Monday 7 september
Today we will look quickly at some of the language tasks that we left out last week found on pages 35-36. Next, we will go on to study, analyze and assess "the role of some English-language media in international society." Thus, the coming weeks pages 37-78 will be in focus. Today we will look into pages 40-44, and then you will do some research; do these names ring a bell? Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Zukerberg, Steve Jobs, Aron Swartz, Bill Gates, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, Julian Assange? In addition, I want you all to start thinking about Friday when we have English all day...
Tuesday 8 September
Leftovers from yesterday. Next, tell class about your research, remember to post your findings. If time left, start skimming pages 48-56 (see green text top page 48).
Wednesday 9 September
Orange pages (49, 52 and 54) will be in focus today + tasks on page 56-58
Friday 11 september
08:15-09:25 Ann Mishalsen's lesson about today's journalism
09:30-11.30 One of the movies: Jobs or Pirates of Silicon Valley
Discussion and leftovers
12:25- 14:50 How to separate fact and fiction found online - we will follow Ann Michalsen's lesson but instead of writing an article, you will make a report and post it on your blog. After studying this and the lesson about today's journalism, you should all be able to find news from different media and say whether they are biased, and reliable or not. It's a good idea to try to find two different media's presentation of the same incident.
Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 September
Leftovers from Friday - to make it a bit clearer, you should all find a particular news that interests you, it could be about anything, but it should be important enough to be found in more than one medium. Next try to figure out the difference between the way these two media portray the news - use the tools in your blog. Present the case to class. Finally, post a summary of your findings on your blog.
NB! Be sure to have read pages 69-72 in Access.
Monday 21 September
Presentations media - you will all help evaluate each other. Next, a brief look at Nollywood and Bollywood.
Tuesday 22 September
Last presentations. Afterwards some language work (pages 28-32 and 89-?)
Wednesday 23 September
First we will sum up the chapter we have dealt with. Next, start looking at chapter 3 "International English and Multiculturalism" pp97-145. How would you like to deal with this topic?
Tuesday 29 September
Due to the fact that we never really summed up chapter 2 last week, we'll do that first. This will also include which tasks should be found in your blogs. Next, I will take you through the evaluation sheet that I will use when grading your blogs. If time, we'll do some more language tasks (pp90-91).
Wednesday 30 September
Polish your blogs - deadline Friday 2 October in the evening 24:00.
Monday 12 October
New chapter, new aims from the curriculum: "Elaborate on and discuss various aspects of multicultural societies in the English speaking world" and "Reflect on how cultural differences and dissimilar value systems can affect communication."
As you might have experienced, communication is not easy - even between people with the same background misunderstandings often occur. When you in addition add different cultures to the issue, total crash in communication frequently happens. Body language and gestures are of course part of communication. To understand more, watch the video.
Wednesday 14 October
Pages 98-102 - do a close read and answer "Spot checks" on page 102 - post the answers. More fun videos. Evaluation so far this school year. While I talk to students, watch this (start at 27:43).
Tuesday 20 October and Monday 26 October
Study closely pages 108-115 "Focus: Multiculturalism in the Anglo-American World" - answer "Spot Check" pages 112 and 115 and post the answers. If more time left, check if you have the fun videos about communication problems across cultures ready.
Wednesday 28 October
You will be divided into two groups: one group will look into David Cameron's (PM in the UK) stand to refugees and immigration, and the other group will check Malcolm Turnbull's (PM in Australia) point of view on the same issue. You will present and teach your fellow students what you have learnt - make a Kahoot?. (Tuesday 3 Nov)
Here are some sources for Australia:
The UK:
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/4aed6842-518a-11e5-b029-b9d50a74fd14.html#axzz3pfHm7iyF and http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/611343/Cameron-four-EU-demands-revealed-immigration-reform-NOT-included
Tuesday 3 November
You will have 40 minutes to finish your group work. Meanwhile those who were in Spain will make a poster about International English to be used on "Åpen dag". Next, the two groups (Australia and the UK) will present their findings. If time, show your fun videos about communication problems across cultures.
Wednesday 4 November
Watch Fortress Europe, and/or Brennpunkt "Flukten" Discuss and compare. This page is also very informative and makes us better understand Syrian refugees' situation.
Monday 9 November
Write a summary of what you have learnt so far and post it - try to add links and photos. You can read more about Frontex here, especially page 9 gives you a good overview. Here is the latest news from Australia concerning immigration.
Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11 and Friday 13 November
Small Island
Tuesday 17 November
Study closely pages 117-122. Answer "Spot Check" page 122 and b+ page 123. Post all your answers.
Wednesday 18 November
"Neighbours" pp 140-144
Monday 23 November
Introduction chapter four, "Globalization" (you will find my PP here in the right column under the heading "Useful links") by Gro.
Tuesday 24 November
Watch a documentary about Drones together with other students (law and social studies).
Wednesday 25 November
We will discuss the documentary together with the students who have English in the third grade. Next, together make a list of global challenges. Finally, choose one of the following topics (found on pages 160-166) to study: NGOs - WTO - IMF - The Great Recession - Occupy Wall Street, and/or continue reading pages 156, 160-166, 174-174, 187-188. Let me know whether you want to present or write on the upcoming "fagdag" 4 December.
Tuesday 1 December
In depth work
Wednesday 2 December
In depth work
Friday 4 December
Morning: In depth work
Afternoon: Tomorrowland
Monday 7 December
In depth work
Tuesday 8 December
In depth work
Wednesday 9 December
In depth work
Tuesday 15 December
In depth work
Wednesday 16 December
Present your work, and hand in your written work in It'sL by tonight 23:59
Therese - Viktor - Ellen Sofie - Ingrid - Jacub - Aline
Monday 21 December
Present your work continued from Wednesday - remember to post your in-depth study in your blog as well.
Vilde - Torstein - Sander - Dorcas - Dyveke - Andre
Monday 7 september
Today we will look quickly at some of the language tasks that we left out last week found on pages 35-36. Next, we will go on to study, analyze and assess "the role of some English-language media in international society." Thus, the coming weeks pages 37-78 will be in focus. Today we will look into pages 40-44, and then you will do some research; do these names ring a bell? Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Zukerberg, Steve Jobs, Aron Swartz, Bill Gates, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, Julian Assange? In addition, I want you all to start thinking about Friday when we have English all day...
Tuesday 8 September
Leftovers from yesterday. Next, tell class about your research, remember to post your findings. If time left, start skimming pages 48-56 (see green text top page 48).
Wednesday 9 September
Orange pages (49, 52 and 54) will be in focus today + tasks on page 56-58
Friday 11 september
08:15-09:25 Ann Mishalsen's lesson about today's journalism
09:30-11.30 One of the movies: Jobs or Pirates of Silicon Valley
Discussion and leftovers
12:25- 14:50 How to separate fact and fiction found online - we will follow Ann Michalsen's lesson but instead of writing an article, you will make a report and post it on your blog. After studying this and the lesson about today's journalism, you should all be able to find news from different media and say whether they are biased, and reliable or not. It's a good idea to try to find two different media's presentation of the same incident.
Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 September
Leftovers from Friday - to make it a bit clearer, you should all find a particular news that interests you, it could be about anything, but it should be important enough to be found in more than one medium. Next try to figure out the difference between the way these two media portray the news - use the tools in your blog. Present the case to class. Finally, post a summary of your findings on your blog.
NB! Be sure to have read pages 69-72 in Access.
Monday 21 September
Presentations media - you will all help evaluate each other. Next, a brief look at Nollywood and Bollywood.
Tuesday 22 September
Last presentations. Afterwards some language work (pages 28-32 and 89-?)
Wednesday 23 September
First we will sum up the chapter we have dealt with. Next, start looking at chapter 3 "International English and Multiculturalism" pp97-145. How would you like to deal with this topic?
Tuesday 29 September
Due to the fact that we never really summed up chapter 2 last week, we'll do that first. This will also include which tasks should be found in your blogs. Next, I will take you through the evaluation sheet that I will use when grading your blogs. If time, we'll do some more language tasks (pp90-91).
Wednesday 30 September
Polish your blogs - deadline Friday 2 October in the evening 24:00.
Monday 12 October
New chapter, new aims from the curriculum: "Elaborate on and discuss various aspects of multicultural societies in the English speaking world" and "Reflect on how cultural differences and dissimilar value systems can affect communication."
As you might have experienced, communication is not easy - even between people with the same background misunderstandings often occur. When you in addition add different cultures to the issue, total crash in communication frequently happens. Body language and gestures are of course part of communication. To understand more, watch the video.
Wednesday 14 October
Pages 98-102 - do a close read and answer "Spot checks" on page 102 - post the answers. More fun videos. Evaluation so far this school year. While I talk to students, watch this (start at 27:43).
Tuesday 20 October and Monday 26 October
Study closely pages 108-115 "Focus: Multiculturalism in the Anglo-American World" - answer "Spot Check" pages 112 and 115 and post the answers. If more time left, check if you have the fun videos about communication problems across cultures ready.
Wednesday 28 October
You will be divided into two groups: one group will look into David Cameron's (PM in the UK) stand to refugees and immigration, and the other group will check Malcolm Turnbull's (PM in Australia) point of view on the same issue. You will present and teach your fellow students what you have learnt - make a Kahoot?. (Tuesday 3 Nov)
Here are some sources for Australia:
Have the following in mind when watching the nrk link below:
“Under the Australian Border Force Act 2015, in force since July, immigration detention
centre employees could face a prison term of up to two years for speaking out
about conditions or treatment of those held inside detention.” (http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/sep/29/refugee-law-experts-urge-malcolm-turnbull-to-let-detention-centre-staff-speak-to-un)
https://tv.nrk.no/serie/dra-tilbake-dit-du-kom-fra/KOID25005915/sesong-1/episode-3 (this is episode 3, but you can watch all)
https://tv.nrk.no/serie/dra-tilbake-dit-du-kom-fra/KOID25005915/sesong-1/episode-3 (this is episode 3, but you can watch all)
The UK:
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/4aed6842-518a-11e5-b029-b9d50a74fd14.html#axzz3pfHm7iyF and http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/611343/Cameron-four-EU-demands-revealed-immigration-reform-NOT-included
Tuesday 3 November
You will have 40 minutes to finish your group work. Meanwhile those who were in Spain will make a poster about International English to be used on "Åpen dag". Next, the two groups (Australia and the UK) will present their findings. If time, show your fun videos about communication problems across cultures.
Wednesday 4 November
Watch Fortress Europe, and/or Brennpunkt "Flukten" Discuss and compare. This page is also very informative and makes us better understand Syrian refugees' situation.
Monday 9 November
Write a summary of what you have learnt so far and post it - try to add links and photos. You can read more about Frontex here, especially page 9 gives you a good overview. Here is the latest news from Australia concerning immigration.
Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11 and Friday 13 November
Small Island
Tuesday 17 November
Study closely pages 117-122. Answer "Spot Check" page 122 and b+ page 123. Post all your answers.
Wednesday 18 November
"Neighbours" pp 140-144
Monday 23 November
Introduction chapter four, "Globalization" (you will find my PP here in the right column under the heading "Useful links") by Gro.
Tuesday 24 November
Watch a documentary about Drones together with other students (law and social studies).
Wednesday 25 November
We will discuss the documentary together with the students who have English in the third grade. Next, together make a list of global challenges. Finally, choose one of the following topics (found on pages 160-166) to study: NGOs - WTO - IMF - The Great Recession - Occupy Wall Street, and/or continue reading pages 156, 160-166, 174-174, 187-188. Let me know whether you want to present or write on the upcoming "fagdag" 4 December.
Tuesday 1 December
In depth work
Wednesday 2 December
In depth work
Friday 4 December
Morning: In depth work
Afternoon: Tomorrowland
Monday 7 December
In depth work
Tuesday 8 December
In depth work
Wednesday 9 December
In depth work
Tuesday 15 December
In depth work
Wednesday 16 December
Present your work, and hand in your written work in It'sL by tonight 23:59
Therese - Viktor - Ellen Sofie - Ingrid - Jacub - Aline
Monday 21 December
Present your work continued from Wednesday - remember to post your in-depth study in your blog as well.
Vilde - Torstein - Sander - Dorcas - Dyveke - Andre
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