curriculum says, "Elaborate on and discuss a selection of literature and
factual prose from the period 1950 up to the present" and this is what we
are going to deal with the coming two weeks.
Literature should be read for pleasure. Reading can also function as an escape from reality, a place "to go" to calm down and relax. In addition, reading helps you develop your vocabulary, get the grammar right, and understand different cultures. Moreover, literature often gives you a hint about what is going on in society at the time it is written - no author manages to stay isolated from the world s/he lives in. In other words, texts are context based. The authors of Access also "strongly believe that trying to understand literature is an excellent way of learning how to understand more of life itself!"(266)
Literature should be read for pleasure. Reading can also function as an escape from reality, a place "to go" to calm down and relax. In addition, reading helps you develop your vocabulary, get the grammar right, and understand different cultures. Moreover, literature often gives you a hint about what is going on in society at the time it is written - no author manages to stay isolated from the world s/he lives in. In other words, texts are context based. The authors of Access also "strongly believe that trying to understand literature is an excellent way of learning how to understand more of life itself!"(266)
Your task is to read four short stories, two poems and a novel. Start out by studying pp 264-281 (while I talk to you about your grades), and do task 1a and 1b (use "Butterflies") p 277.
Last lesson Wednesday we will look at the difference between irony and sarcasm, and how irony can be used in literature. In other words, pages 278-292 will be in focus. You can also watch these short videos to get a grasp: Irony in 8 seconds and Irony in 3 minutes.
English all day Friday 23 January
First, we will sum up what we know so far about literary analysis. Next up is characterisation (pp294-296). Then you will do spot checks pp 266, 281, 288, and 296. Afterwards we will read the short story "The Raft" pp297-300. Setting will also be on our list (pp305-306) and "Air Mail" p307. (Some of these issues will probably have to be postponed till next week - we'll see what happens.)
11-12.00(appr.) We will talk about the novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Amid and afterwards watch the movie based on the book. Here is a lecture about the novel.
Week 5A (2 lessons)
First there will be leftovers from Friday. Next, we will talk about how to write about literature. You will be given an exam question - deadline for posting it on your blog Monday 9 February.
Go to this page to find a lot about transition ie how to link sentences and paragraphs making a cohesive text.
Week 6B (1 lessons)
Write/ think about In-depth and what novel to read
Week 7 A (2 lessons)
In-depth/read - post your answer to one of the exam questions by 24:00 tonight, ie Monday 9 February!
Week 8 B (3 lessons)
Week 10 A (2 lessons) Språklæring/looking at your in-depth work
Week 11 B (3 lessons)
In-depth/read - Deadline handing in your In-depth work 11 March.
Week 12 A (2 lessons + Friday)
Oral presentations In-depth work - prepare on Monday and deliver Friday 20 March (Wednesday is going to be an outdoor day skiing for the whole school)
Evaluation blogs (20 March, Friday)
0815-0900 Preparation Oral presentations
0900 - ? Presentations with comments
? - 1200 New topic and aims:
Quick overview of chapter five "A World of Opportunities" which basically is divided into three parts, ie People in Motion - Education and Work - International Business. This chapter covers the aim in the curriculum which says, "locate, discuss and elaborate on international education and work options". In addition, we will deal with the aim, "analyze linguistic tools in different kinds of texts".
You will do tasks 1a, 2a and b page 211
1230-1300 Revision Rhetoric and do task 3b+ page 211
The rest of the day you will spend making and playing a grammar and word game + publish your in-depth work on your blogs
Week 13 B (3 lessons)
"International English in Education and Working Life" (chapter 5 in Access p 208-245)
Monday: First, play the word and grammar ladder game while I listen to presentations. Next, look carefully at comments and corrections in your In-depth work, and correct before posting it on your blog. In addition, you need to add a paragraph as an introduction to the work where you also "vurderer prosessen" as it says in the curriculum. Finally, read pages 213-220 (if you do not manage at school, do it at home for Wednesday).
First lesson: Discussion (page 221/22: 2b+, 2c+ and 5) + pages 231-233 (page 234: 3b, c+, d+)(I will also listen to the last presentation)
Last lesson: "The Way to Soria Moria" pages 229-230 - listen and do tasks on page 229. Next, do as many tasks as possible on page 230
Week 15 A (1 lesson)
International English in Education and Working Life (chapter 5 in Access)
"Getting It Right in Business" pp 236-240 + p 243 Skim these pages before coming to class!
Week 16 B (3 lessons)
This week we'll spend all lessons looking at exam tasks and how to answer them. We'll touch upon all issues mentioned in "Writing Course" found at the end of all chapters in Access (p33,89,146,198, 254 and 338).
Wednesday last lesson: Trafficking
First, watch my Prezi. Next, translate all difficult words in slide 6. Third, go to and do a close read of one of the articles found there. Finally, write a summary of waht you have learned about trafficking and post it all on your blog. If time left, read pages 187-188 in your text book.
Week 17 A (2 lessons) Berlin
Week 18 B (3 lessons) - Mock Exam 28 April (the real exam is Wednesday June 3)
Monday: "What to Remember Tomorrow" + download necessary documents + Language work in
Wednesday: How can we avoid more deaths in the Mediterranean sea? Background info in the first lesson + role play in the last.
Week 19 A (one lesson)
Monday: Mock exams back - language work
Week 20 B (2 lessons)
Wednesday: First lesson - we will look at the rest of the lessons in this term. Next, you will plan how to revise, ie what to do when - you have five lessons at your disposal: 13-15-20-22-27 May. Oral mock exams start 27May last lesson - three students will be examined each lesson. You will pick a task one week ahead, make a presentation (6-8minutes long) and study all aims in the curriculum. Why? Because, "Eleven skal få høve til å vise kompetanse i så stor del av faget som mogeleg. Under eksamen kan eleven prøvast i fleire relevante delar av læreplanen enn det som kan lesast direkte ut av førebuingsdelen."(Retningslinjer for lokalt gitt eksamen 2015 - Hordaland Fylkeskommune)
List for oral mocks: 27May: Benetta - Tone - Christina - Gøran - 1June: Eline - Andrea
10June: Simon - Øyvind - Lars Henrik - Ørjan - Eirik - Line
Sources for refugee crisis:
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