http://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/digital-education/files/2015/09/wordpress-923188_640.jpg |
I have been asked to comment upon blogging with students. As I said in my first entry on this blog in August 2014, "I have been inspired by
Ann Michaelsen, Sandvika vgs, to start using blog in International English this year. So, I'm about to descend in deep water - where I trust my students will help me survive." If I now go back to my first posts, I can see a development in my blog, but also in my students' blogs, which are now much more interesting to watch and read than at the beginning of the year. In my opinion, blogging has a positive impact on students' written work; when they know that everybody can see it, they consider more closely what they publish and they try to get the grammar right. It is a space for learning, not just for the students, but for me as their teacher too. I get the chance to write about topics that interest me and challenge my writing. If you follow
this link, you will see that Ann Mikaelsen and I are not the only ones using blogs with students.
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ReplyDeleteGood points and well written!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am not particularly fond of my school work being exposed to the public ( I believe that the teacher's duty of secrecy includes not only grades, but all work that can reveal my school results), as I tried to google myself and was dissapointed to find that all a future employer might see are a lot of blog entries that I do not feel represent me correctly, I must admit that organizing our written work on a blog makes it easy to look at my previous work. I also have to admit that, at the beginning at least, I was more thorough when correcting my texts.
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ReplyDeletesee your point, but still not a fan of bloggs
ReplyDeleteInteresting post! You have many good points
ReplyDeleteVery good and interesting post. You have mentioned many right points about using blogs.
ReplyDeleteI think your blog is very interesting and I see your pont. I dont mind using blog because it makes it easy for me to see how i emprove my writing each time I post something new. you get to write as well and recieve comments from us "students"
ReplyDeleteI think your blog is very interesting and I see your pont. I dont mind using blog because it makes it easy for me to see how i emprove my writing each time I post something new. you get to write as well and recieve comments from us "students"
ReplyDeleteIt is an iteresting post and I agree with what you have written
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you have written in this post. We can be more creative with our work using photos, videos and links. Other students can comment upon our posts and I think that it makes us reflect more.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you have written in this post. We can be more creative with our work using photos, videos and links. Other students can comment upon our posts and I think that it makes us reflect more.